Analysis anytime, anywhere
A cloud based system that makes all the insights and analyses of the student performances available wherever you go.

Analysis anytime, anywhere
A cloud based system that makes all the insights and analyses of the student performances available wherever you go.

Keeps all your data safe and secure
Periodic backups and state-of-art security measures keep all your data is securely stashed in servers across multiple geographies. Never again worry about the security/safety of the data.

Conduct online assessments
Connect with students directly via the online test taking platform. Students can take tests either in a controlled environment (eg. in a school) or at the convenience of their homes.

Connect with Us
Are you a school staff or parent of a customer school and looking for support?
Please reach us at
Chennai Office
47/D3, Gandhi Mandapam Road,
Kotturpuram, Chennai - 600085. India.
Ph: +91 44 4201 8991
Edpulse Registered Office
No. 14, Sankey Road, Sadhashiv Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560 080,
Karnataka, India.